Current Forms of Contract
UPDATE August 2020: The five JCLI Scottish Agreements have been updated to revise the references to “Third Party Rights” to “Contract (Third Party Rights) (Scotland) Act 2017”
Landscape Works Contract 2017 (JCLI LWC 2017)
Landscape Works Contract with Contractor’s Design 2017 (JCLI LWCD 2017)
Landscape Maintenance Works Contract 2017 (JCLI LMWC 2017)
Homeowner Landscape Contracts
Contract Growing Guidance
Practice Note No. 11
Guidance on the conditions of contract and other issues concerning the contract growing of plant material by nursery growers for their clients. This document updates the CPSE/JCLI Guidance for the Advanced Ordering or Contract Growing of Hardy Nursery Stock (HTA 1999). October 2014 | Download (pdf)
JCLI Contracts Forum
The JCLI Contracts Forum agrees and badges commercial and domestic project standard forms of contract and associated guidance documents for the landscape industry. The contracts and guidance are produced and published by individual member organisations.
The JCLI Contracts Forum is organised by the Landscape Institute. Its members are the Association of Professional Landscapers (APL), the British Association of Landscape Industries (BALI), the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA), the Institute of Chartered Foresters (ICF), the Landscape Institute (LI) and the Society of Garden Designers (SGD).
The JCLI badging of contracts is considered important for two main reasons: firstly, because ‘JCLI’ has a strong reputation for contracts, based on the reputation of the Landscape Contract originally produced in 1978; and secondly, because the documents are agreed by the members of the Forum and are therefore non-partisan industry standard documents.
History of JCLI
JCLI was originally the Joint Council for Landscape Industries and was convened in 1973 to bring together all those organisations in any way concerned with landscape design, construction or management. In 2004 it became the Joint Committee for Landscape Industries with a slightly different mission but was dissolved in 2010. The JCLI Contracts Forum was formed in 2010 by the Landscape Institute to continue the existing JCLI contracts and expand the range of contracts. ‘JCLI’ is no longer an acronym.
JCLI documents were always produced by individual member organisations but agreed by JCLI and badged JCLI. This continues with the JCLI Contracts Forum, which is only concerned with contracts and associated documents for the landscape industry.
Superseded documents
The documents associated with the JCLI Landscape Works and Maintenance Works Contracts 2012 editions and the Scottish Agreements 2017 are all superseded. They have been watermarked and are available for reference purposes.
Superseded Landscape Works Contract 2012/2015 documents
JCLI Practice Note No. 8 Revision 1 (June 2012) | download (pdf)
Amendment 1 for Practice Note No. 8 Rev 1 (June 2015) | download (pdf)
Amendment 1 for JCLI Landscape Works Contract 2012 (June 2015) | download (pdf)
Amendment 1 for JCLI Landscape Works Contract with Contractor’s Design 2012 (June 2015) | download (pdf)
Model Certificates and other forms for use with the JCLI Landscape Works Contact 2012 Edition and the JCLI Landscape Works Contract with Contractor’s Design 2012 Edition | download (pdf)
Scottish Landscape Works Agreement 2017 | JCLI SLWA 2017-04 W
Scottish Landscape Works Agreement with Contractor’s Design 2017 | JCLI SLWAD 2017-04 W
Scottish Landscape Works Agreement 2015 | download (pdf)
Scottish Landscape Works Agreement with Contractors Design 2015 | download (pdf)
Superseded Landscape Maintenance Works Contract 2012/2015 documents and Scottish LMW Agreement 2017
If a novation agreement is required for a current project using JCLI LMWC 2012, the 2017 versions of the novation agreements are valid for both the 2012 and 2017 editions of JCLI LMWC and can be downloaded here.
Practice Note No. 9 Revision 1 (June 2012) | download (pdf)
Amendment 1 for Practice Note No. 9 Rev 1 (June 2015) | download (pdf)
Amendment 1 for JCLI Landscape Maintenance Works Contract 2012 (June 2015) | download (pdf)
Model Certificates and Other Forms for use with the JCLI Landscape Maintenance Works Contract 2012 Edition | download (pdf)
Scottish Landscape Maintenance Works Agreement 2017 | JCLI SLMWA 2017-04 W
Scottish Landscape Maintenance Works Agreement 2015 | download (pdf)
If a Scottish novation agreement is required for a current project using JCLI SLMWA 2013, 2015, or 2017, the 2017 versions of the Scottish novation agreements are valid. These documents are not watermarked:
Scottish Employer Novation Agreement 2017 | JCLI SLMWA SENA 2017-04
Scottish Contractor Novation Agreement 2017 | JCLI SLMWA SCNA 2017-04