October 2023 Update:
A Task & Finish Group are reviewing and updating the LI Digital Plan of Works for Landscape (LI DPoW) to align it with the RIBA Plan of Work 2020 edition.
We intend to make the update available during 2024.
The LI Digital Plan of Works for Landscape (LI DPoW) is a new resource that presents information from the LI Scopes of Service (2013) combined with information in the RIBA template tasks in the Government-funded and publicly available BIM Toolkit. It will help practitioners seeking to work at BIM Level 2, particularly on construction-related projects.
It has been produced by Anna Dekker CMLI with the support of the Technical Committee, BIM working group members and the NBS on behalf of the LI.
The resource takes the form of a spreadsheet and includes the information requirements specific to Landscape Architects on a BIM Level 2 construction project. There are 4 tabs in total:
- Introduction (upon which this page is based)
- Landscape Institute Scopes of Service and RIBA Plan of Work Overlay
- Landscape Digital Plan of Works (tasks)
- Sources of information
The template tasks represent a typical landscape project. An example might include:
- task: Evaluate landscape effects and visual impact effects of development
- further detail: Refer to “Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment”, 3rd edition
- ‘plain language question’: Have landscape and visual impacts been evaluated to understand their effect on the development?
- Employer’s Information Requirements: Landscape Impact and Visual Impact Assessment
The format allows a Landscape Architect to amend and add to the given list as long as attribution is given.
This is one of the tools to help Landscape Architects to achieve BIM Level 2 and is released on the basis that it can be adapted by others to suit their purposes. The NBS has already adopted this work and an interactive version of this information will also be available on the NBS BIM Toolkit. This template is version 1.0, however, and feedback is welcome and necessary in order to extend its value for all areas of practice. This feedback will inform future updates.
Please note that this document is supplied under Creative Commons with Attribution (CC-BY). Users can use, adapt, and supply this document as part of their work so long as attribution is given to the Landscape Institute. Users should satisfy themselves of the suitability of this document or as adapted in meeting their purposes, particularly in relation to any use for contracts, since it is supplied as-is and no warranty is given as to its suitability.