Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) mimic nature by managing rainwater close to where it falls, taking account of water quantity, water quality and amenity issues.
In terms of Technical information, guidance and advice, CIRIA provides perhaps the most comprehensive range of resources on SuDS through its Susdrain network. It has also produced detailed best practice guidance on the planning, design, construction and maintenance of SuDS in ‘The SuDS Manual’ and an accompanying ‘Site handbook for the construction of SuDS’, which provides guidance on the construction of SuDS to facilitate their effective delivery. There are a number of resources available from other sources too, e.g. under the heading ‘Rain gardens’.
In support of members working in this area, however, the LI Technical Committee has published Management and Maintenance of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Landscapes (March 2014) and secured a selection of water management case studies.