A selection of plant health resources which will be of help:
Pest and Disease Threats, Technical Information Note, Jan 2015 (PDF, 0.9KB)
Tree Health and the Landscape seminar 17 October 2013
Presentation by Colin Moore: Tree health and the landscape – What we need to know
Presentation by Keith Sacre: Tree populations and tree health
Presentation by David Slawson: Trees and plant health – How you can help to reduce threats
Briefing: Chalara Dieback of Ash, 9 Nov 2012
Report on LI members’ survey about Chalara dieback of ash
Third party resources:
Forestry Commission information on spotting the disease and reporting it
The Plant Health (Forestry) (Amendment) Order 2012
Forestry Commission information on biosecurity measures
Guidance from Food and Environment Research Agency
Defra video: how to spot dieback of ash
Follow Chalara dieback of ash on twitter
Biosecurity in Arboriculture and Urban Forestry Position Statement