We want to protect, conserve and enhance the natural and built environment, so influencing current thinking on issues affecting landscape is vital.
We want governments to consider how landscape can deliver benefits for society, the economy and the environment.
We do this in different ways, including responding to policy consultations and developing relationships with relevant stakeholders.
Our work is member-led, and is overseen by the LI Policy Committee. The Policy Committee is one of the LI’s three standing committees, which report to our Board of Trustees.
Our current priorities
Our policy priorities for the next Government are summarised in our Recommendations for the next UK government publication.For current policy development and research priorities, please keep an eye on our news pages, or contact the policy team directly.
Past policy work
The LI is currently in the process of developing a better archive of our previous policy publications. In the meanwhile, you can see some of our past work on the following pages:
The influence of the European Landscape Convention (ELC)
Our policy work is also underpinned by the European Landscape Convention (ELC), which acknowledges the huge diversity of landscapes and their uses. The ELC calls for policy that considers and is adapted according to the landscape type.
The ELC, which is the first international treaty dedicated to the protection, management and planning of all landscapes in Europe, has 18 articles. These articles, collectively, promote landscape protection, management and planning and organising European cooperation on landscape issues.
Want to contribute to landscape policy?
We want to hear from members looking to contribute to our policy work. If you want to get involved, email the policy team at policy@landscapeinstitute.org.