Introduction The UK Government has published its plans for a new system of environmental assessment and is seeking powers through its Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill to implement the new domestic framework which will apply in England only. The proposed system, titled Environmental Outcomes Reports (EOR), looks set to replace the current EU-derived environmental assessment […]


The UK Government has published its plans for a new system of environmental assessment and is seeking powers through its Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill to implement the new domestic framework which will apply in England only.

The proposed system, titled Environmental Outcomes Reports (EOR), looks set to replace the current EU-derived environmental assessment processes, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)) and .

Important to landscape

These proposals carry significant implications for the Landscape Institute, its Members and the landscape sector, not least the many Members who derive income from providing detailed evidence and reports on EIA and SEA issues. This consultation will be of special interest to Members involved in creating, scrutinising and using EIA and SEA, in England.

As you may know, the Institute has a particular interest in the application of its own published Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, now in its third edition. This widely used and respected text sets standards for EIA, providing an essential tool for landscape practitioners, developers, legal advisors, decision-makers, local authorities and indeed the Planning Inspectorate for England, itself an executive agency of the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

What’s happening?

The Landscape Institute has brought together experts from its Policy and Communications Committee, Technical Committee, and GLVIA Panel to coordinate the LI’s response to the consultation. In addition, the working group has reached out to other related professional membership organisations including IEMA, RTPI, TCPA and EPU to provide them with a landscape perspective on what’s being proposed.

Get involved!

Read the proposals. Consider the consultation questions. What are your views on what’s proposed? Your expertise on this topic could make a difference and will be considered when developing the LI’s response. Do please send in your thoughts and comments no later than 18 May 2023 via email at  Thank you!


Read the UK Government proposals: Environmental Outcomes Reports – a new approach to environmental assessment published by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC)

Sign up for the IEMA webinar taking place on Tuesday 23 May 2023 – link to registration page

Watch the Planning Advisory Service webinar on the Environmental Outcomes Reports proposals and includes DLUHC presentation and Q&A session


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