Put forward to the Landscape Institute your thoughts on making design more sustainable.

Take part in consultation on sustainable design

The Landscape Institute has been invited to give evidence to a new inquiry run by the Parliamentary Group or Excellence in the Built Environment.  We are eager to hear from landscape architects who can contribute to the arguments that the institute intends to put forward on ways in which early input from landscape architects about ways in which they can  make construction more sustainable by for example ensuring best management of the site or minimising waste. It is also an opportunity for the LI to speak to government about BIM and the importance of modelling site data as well as building data.

We want to hear from you in order to best represent the views of our members. See the original call for evidence here and please email your thoughts to chief executive Alastair McCapra on alastairm@landscapeinstitute.org by Monday 19 November. Ideas, case studies and other contributions will all be welcome.

The LI has taken part in these exercises before, contributing evidence earlier this year which helped to shape the recent government report on procurement reform.



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