Pathway to Chartership exam results

The LI has written to congratulate the 66 candidates who successfully completed the Pathway to Chartership last month.

These members, now Chartered Landscape Architects (CMLI), represent 80% of those taking the exam. This pass rate is the same as the previous exam, held in May this year.

Congratulations are also due to the mentors who supported these candidates. Mentors are an essential part of the Pathway and the LI thanks those who gave their time to support these newly chartered members.


  1. Please let me know how much time would normally take to become chartered Landscape Architect . I am currently Fellow Member of ISOLA (Indian Society for Landscape Architects) affiliated to IFLA. I passed Masters in Landscape Architecture in the year 2000 and since then I am working the field of Landscape Architecture.

    • Dear Dinesh,

      If your masters degree was ISOLA-accredited, the Landscape Institute would recognise your qualification and invite you to apply for licentiate membership through the ordinary route.

      On average, a licentiate member in full-time work takes two years to go through the LI’s Pathway to Chartership. More details on the Pathway, including a full handbook, can be found on our Pathway to Chartership page.

      I hope that this information helps.

      Best wishes,


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