On 22-26 March 2021, exceptional thought leaders gathered to debate how best to deliver a greener recovery from COVID-19, with topics including net zero, environmental net gain, climate mitigation and adaptation, and natural capital accounting

On 22-26 March 2021, the Landscape Institute held its Greener Recovery Festival – an online CPD week demonstrating how landscape practice can combat the climate emergency, increase biodiversity, and restore the natural environment. This week, the Festival became available to view on the LI’s on-demand platform, LI Campus.

The Festival includes the launch of the LI’s landmark publication, Landscape for 2030, which establishes landscape as a leader in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss.

Launching the report, LI President Jane Findlay said:

‘We are in a climate crisis. Climate change and biodiversity loss are the foremost challenges of our age.

‘Landscape practitioners offer a new way not only of tackling climate challenges head-on, but of delivering several secondary benefits at the same time.

‘Our members can – and indeed, already do – find solutions that adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change. Our sector is an untapped resource, and we should be shouting from the rooftops about what we can achieve.

‘Our 2020 Action Plan holds us to doing everything we can to respond to the climate crisis. Calling our members to action, equipping them to deliver the best possible work, and demonstrating to stakeholders the tremendous value of landscape – all are vital parts of this commitment.’

Catch up with the five-day festival at campus.landscapeinstitute.org.


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