The LI Technical Committee published the long-awaited refresh of Photography and Photomontage guidance (01/11) on 17 September 2019

Please note: TGN 06/19 is currently under review.

Following an extensive process, the LI Technical Committee has published Technical Guidance Note (TGN) 06/19: Visual Representation of development proposals – the long-awaited refresh of our Photography and Photomontage guidance (01/11).

Though the change in title reflects the emergence of different technologies, the focus of the guidance remains on the core photography-based methods used by most practitioners. (Detailed guidance on some emergent technologies may be the subject of a future workstream.)

The publication of the TGN follows extensive consultation with LI members and technical experts in photography, photomontage and landscape and visual impact assessment.

Your work: Adopting and adapting to the new guidance

The LI’s view is that TGN 06/19 should apply to new commissions from this point on, but that a reasonable grace period will apply. We expect that practitioners will make reasonable judgements over implications of the changeover.

For more information, including other Technical Notes published in support of this new guidance, see

Please send any comments or queries about the new guidance, or visualisation in general, to


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