The new Code supports LI members to deliver the very best levels of service and, through aligning practice with internationally recognised ethics principles, cements the Institute as part of a global landscape community

Orchard Place, London City Island, Chris Blandford Associates (finalist, Excellence in Landscape Design, Landscape Institute Awards 2021). © In-Ex Landscapes Ltd

A new Code of Practice for Landscape Institute (LI) members embeds global ethics principles in UK landscape work, and provides a supportive, modern framework for practitioners to deliver the best possible service for people, place and nature.

The product of three years in development, the new Code of Practice features guidance reviewed and rewritten with the input of technical experts and Independent Review working groups. It includes a number of important updates to the 2012 LI Code of Conduct.

At a glance: Changes in the new Code of Practice

  • Modern and supportive: Emphasising practice rather than ‘conduct’, the new Code focuses on supporting best practice rather than monitoring behaviour. The LI has removed outdated language
  • Clear and concise: The new Code clearly explains its purpose and processes for supporting compliance. Where duplication existed in previous standards, the new Code merges them, reducing the overall number from 13 to 11. It clearly divides standards into Rules (requirements members ‘must’ adhere to) and Guidance (recommendations members ‘should’ adhere to), providing a clear and consistent point of reference.
  • Internationally relevant: With language genericised and reference to specific legislation removed, the Code is applicable and easy to monitor internationally. The LI has worked to align the Code with the International Federation of Landscape Architect’s Global Ethical Principles for landscape. New rules emphasise modern global best practice including environmental enhancement, service quality, conflict of interest, data protection, equity, diversity and inclusion, and sustainable development.
  • The LI will review the code every three years

‘Much-needed modernisation’

‘I’m thrilled that our new Code of Practice is now here, supporting our members to deliver the very highest standards of practice at such a crucial time for our profession,’ said LI President Jane Findlay.

‘In aligning us with IFLA’s global ethics principles, this new Code cements us as part of a global community of landscape professionals – one that stands ready to tackle today’s foremost challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and public health and wellbeing.

‘The language in the Code has also undergone some much-needed modernisation. It’s not about monitoring behaviour, but about helping our members deliver quality work. It’s not about enforcing compliance, but about supporting it.

‘With regular reviews planned, this Code of Practice will continue to underpin and champion global ethical practice, ensure public confidence in landscape, and promote environmental wellbeing for years to come.’

See the new Code of Practice here

Background information

In 2019, the LI proposed to the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) World Council the development of a set of global ethical principles for the landscape profession.

IFLA officially represents over 70,000 landscape architects and landscape professionals globally, through national associations and regions and in both governmental and non-governmental organisations, such as the UN and UNESCO. (Find out more at

Members of IFLA associations must act in accordance with IFLA’s Global Ethical Principles. The Principles aim to enshrine global ethical practice, ensure public confidence in landscape, and promote environmental wellbeing.

The LI is also a member of the International Ethics Standards (IES) Coalition, and subscribes to the universal IES principles for real estate and related professions. The International Standards consist of high-level ethical principles implemented by Coalition organisations to provide greater consistency to users of professional services. Learn more at

The LI Code of Practice harmonises these principles. It sets out the standards of professional conduct expected of all LI members, regardless of grade or membership level.

Find out more about professional conduct.


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