The latest on landscape apprenticeships – including the Level 3 Landscape Technician apprenticeship, now available for online delivery via Capel Manor College
Here is the latest update from the Landscape Institute apprenticeships team on our emerging landscape apprenticeship standards.
Since October 2017, the LI has been supporting the landscape employer trailblazer group to deliver landscape apprenticeships in England.
As of November 2020, Level 3 Landscape Technician apprenticeships are now available, with one provider – London’s Capel Manor College – offering online delivery of this new standard.
About the Level 3 Landscape Technician Apprenticeship
This two-year programme leads to a new grade of LI membership: Technician Membership (TMLI). With a funding level agreed at up to £9,000, this standard can be both a destination in itself, and a pathway to the Level 7 (Chartered Landscape Professional) standard.
Approved for delivery in June 2020, this apprenticeship is now published on the Institute for Apprenticeships (IFA) website.
As well as delivery via Capel, the LI is working with other early adopters including Reaseheath College and Myerscough College to begin wider delivery in 2021. We hope to be able to offer a mix of online, blended and in-person learning, with a good geographical spread.
About the Level 7 Chartered Landscape Professional Apprenticeship
The up-to-five-year Chartered Landscape Professional apprenticeship will lead to Chartered Membership of the Landscape Institute (CMLI). Three separate pathways will be available – Landscape Design, Landscape and Parks Management, and Landscape Planning – and the programme may include under- and/or postgraduate LI-accredited degrees.
The standard and assessment plan for this apprenticeship are now approved, and the programme is awaiting funding allocation. We expect it to be ready for delivery in the 2021 academic year.
Education providers we are working with to provide this apprenticeship include Myerscough College, the University of Greenwich, the University of Sheffield, and Reaseheath College.
About the LI’s support for apprenticeships
The LI has worked closely with the Employer Trailblazer Group over the past three years, from facilitating the group’s meetings to supporting its application to government. We have developed the the early adopter network of educators to begin delivery of the apprenticeships, and will act as the end-point assessor for both Level 3 and Level 7 apprentices – providing guidance and support to candidates ahead of sitting either the Pathway to Chartership (P2C) or new Pathway to Technician (P2T) exam.
Next steps
- Working with Level 7 Education providers and the IFA to agree funding bands and delivery mechanisms
- Working closely with Level 3 Education providers and the Trailblazer Group to develop delivery and offer support, including access to existing platforms (such as LI Campus)
- Becoming an End-Point Assessment Organisation
- Researching the market to build knowledge around demand and potential start dates in light of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Scoping out a programme of support for employers
Are you a landscape employer?
See the website for more information on apprenticeships, including the Apprenticeship Levy, funding, the benefits of training apprentices, and how to support your young apprentices.
For more information about the landscape apprenticeships programme, please email