The Future State of Landscape collates the LI’s education and practice review findings and explores opportunities to build a sustainable future

In 2017, the Landscape Institute (LI) undertook extensive research into landscape education and practice. The results of this research are now available – along with a powerful case for a new approach to the LI’s role as a professional body.

New entrants to the profession have plateaued


41% practice heads cite recruitment as a key challenge

95% of the profession is white, compared to 82% of the UK population

More than twice as many men as women fall into the highest wage bracket

Read the future state of landscape: embracing the opportunity

In changing times, the landscape profession must be ready to meet the needs of people, place and nature, today and for future generations. Concerns such as resilience, sustainability, health and wellbeing and natural capital are coming to the fore across the world. The opportunities for the landscape profession are huge.

Yet, the LI’s education and practice review highlighted a number of challenges the profession faces. Not least is the challenge finding staff; over two fifths of practices cite recruitment as a key issue. The sector also faces diversity challenges. People with disabilities and people from minority backgrounds are under-represented, and there is a pronounced gender pay gap at the senior level.

Broadening the profession

In light of the findings, the LI’s Board of Trustees has unanimously supported updating our entry standards. Our new approach will emphasise professional skills, and a modular competency framework will ensure that our high standards are relevant to all fields of landscape practice.

How does this affect me?

We will consult with all members throughout 2018 before implementing any changes. The LI is excited to be taking this work forward, and urges all members to get involved with the consultation and help make the new framework as relevant and successful as possible.

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