Pass rate was more than three quarters

Fifty succeed in Chartership exams

The Landscape Institute congratulates the 50 new CMLI, who were successful in November’s Chartership exams. The pass rate in  this exam session was 76%, which compares favourably with the previous few years.

The newly qualified CMLIs have worked extremely hard to get to this stage. Thanks are also due to their mentors, who have put a lot of time and effort into helping these candidates achieve Chartership.

Anyone who has been CMLI for more than 18 months is able to mentor candidates on the Pathway to Chartership. If you would like more information about the mentoring role, please contact Alice Knight, professional development officer, on

The successful candidates and their mentors are as follows:

New CMLI Mentor
Joseph Bearne Steve Fancourt
Liz Bingham Val Kirby
Holly Birtles Rob Beswick
Benjamin Brace Liz Bryant
Alexandra Brown Johnny Clayton
Leon Bryant Samantha Leathers
Kirstin Burnet Mike Goodall
Steve Butcher Ben Hendry
Sarah Chapple  
Scott Cochran Joanne Brindley
Elizabeth Connelly Peter Richards
Barry Craig Peter  Hutchinson
Liz Cronin Ruth Holmes
Isla Denton-Thompson Robyn Butcher
Kirsty Dumelow Chris Payne
Antje Eisfelder Vincent  Mount
Wendy Fidler David Withycombe
Matt Filer Jonathan  Evans
Christopher Forshaw Ian Clare
Bethany Gale Andrew Tindsley
Ed Gant Nicole Tarrio
Mike Green Simon Hall
Jack Jewell Jonathon Berry
Georgia Jezeph John MacCleary
Dorota Kaminska-Majkowska Sajna Angeli Ganoo-Fletcher
Esther Kilner Ben Oakman
Simon Lacey James Conway
Jason Lupton Oliver  Smith
Ranjit Matharu Phillip Smith
Harriet Miller Sarah Smart
Cynthia Nip Jacinta Chow
Juliet Peters Nicola Baugh
Andrew Plunkett-Norris Sally Bridges
Amanda Price Anna Treby
Charlotte Rashleigh Kevin  Charsley
Graeme Smith Claire Stewart
Matthew Stirton David Livesey
Nicola Sukatorn Jennifer Skrynka
Conor Thallon Andy Patterson
Sarah Tolley Kate Digney
Beth Treseder Matthew Halsal
James Turner David Thompson
Rosemary Walker Nigel Weir
Emma Watson Sue Farmer
Katherine Webster Richard Waddell
Emma Whitaker Fiona Mckenzie
Roger Williams Adam Greatrix
Stephen Wood Chris Armstrong
Kate Wooff Karen Howell
Malitha Yatiwelle Zoe Wareham



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