Academic Membership

Academic membership (AMLI) is open to those involved in teaching or research in landscape, environment or related areas.

If you have completed an LI-accredited course and/or have experience, and are employed in teaching/research in an area which has relevance to the landscape profession, you are eligible to apply for academic membership.

Our Academic members receive FREE access to LI Campus (excludes Premium content) and the LI’s online CPD days, plus member discounts on premium LI events and masterclasses, as part of their membership.

Email your application to membership:


The Member year starts on the 1st June to the 31st May

Annual subscription
Academic AMLI


N.B. Fees will be pro-rated to the beginning of the current quarter.

Benefits of Academic Membership

Join the Conversation

  • We regularly tweet news, events, and updates through @TalkLandscape
  • On Talking Landscape, an online network for Landscape Institute members there are forums on technical issues, landscape architecture ideas, and Institute activities.
  • You can subscribe to member-only email updates about events, industry news and LI policy, technical news and member initiatives.
  • Landscape Journal is sent to members every quarter – you will automatically receive this as part of your membership.
  • The LI publishes resources for landscape practitioners, clients, decision-makers, and professionals in the built and natural environment.


  • Academic Members, under the LI’s Charter, are entitled to use the post-nominals AMLI.

Enhance your learning

  • LI Campus is our video platform, with a large library of educational content for landscape professionals. Catch up on CPD days, webinars and other events, from the convenience of your pc or tablet. All Academic members free access to LI Campus (excludes Premium content)
  • All LI members get member-only pricing on LI events, including CPD and other training

Use our Resources

  • The Landscape Institute has documents on Green Infrastructure, Water, Housing, Public Health, and Liveability on the Policy pages.
  • In the Technical pages, technical guidance is available on BIM, GLVIA, Plant Health, and Visualisation.
  • In the Member’s only area are LI reports such as the annual Communications Survey, the Employment and Salary Survey, and governance papers.

Get Involved

  • If you don’t already, find a role within the Landscape Institute that suits your levels of experience and availability. Find out how to get involved, and what type of role will suit you in Get Involved.
  • The LI Ambassador for Landscape scheme is an exciting opportunity for you to inspire the next generation of landscape architects, and to demonstrate the creative and rewarding career options open to them. We are looking to all LI Members to champion the profession and help enthuse the next generation of landscape professionals.
  • There are 12 regional branches of the LI across the UK, plus one for International members. You can join your local branch, as well as get updates on activities in other branches. Find out what’s going on in your area through the branches page.

Connect with the Industry

  • Help encourage the next generation of landscape architects through the LI’s careers campaign #ChooseLandscape. There’s information on courses, funding, projects, job types and more.
  • You can sign up for email alerts about new jobs as soon as they are advertised on our Jobs webpage. Or place an advert for recruitment.