Purpose of the local branches
The Landscape Institute Branch network across the UK is run by volunteers and is at the heart of the organisation, adding value in so many fundamental aspects of the profession at a regional or country level:
- Networking – Showcasing the LI through networking opportunities locally/regionally with a focus on LI themes and with the purpose of promoting the wider profession and encouraging LI membership.
- Local CPD & site visits – Supporting the LI CPD programme and pathways, through local events and study groups arranged and delivered by members in the region.
- Engaging university students – Encouraging greater involvement by students/course leaders to raise the profile of a career in Landscape; priming the pipeline of younger entrants into the profession.
- Engaging Registered Practices – Building relationships across the region, including Registered Practices and other relevant external organisations.
- Insight and influence on local/devolved policy – Helping the LI stay up-to-date with local initiatives and policy (especially in places with devolved responsibilities); and supporting local influencing activities where appropriate.
Select your local branch
- Scotland
- Wales
- Northern Ireland
- East of England (Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Essex)
- East Midlands (Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Rutland)
- London (Greater London)
- Midlands (Staffordshire, Shropshire, West Midlands, Hereford, Worcester, Warwickshire
- North East (Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, Durham, Cleveland)
- North West (Cumbria, Lancashire, Greater Manchester, Merseyside, Cheshire)
- South East (Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Surrey, Hampshire, Kent, West Sussex, East Sussex, Isle of Wight)
- South West (Gloucestershire, Avon, Wiltshire, Somerset, Dorset, Devon, Cornwall)
- Yorkshire and Humber (North Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, Humberside, South Yorkshire)
The Branch Representative is responsible for representing the branch (the region rather than just the views of the committee) on the LI Advisory Council is an advisory member group and contributes to the strategy of the LI. This role is governed by the Advisory Council Terms of Reference. Duties include:
- Sitting on the Advisory Council, which operates under the auspices of the Board of Trustees, providing input, advice and feedback on strategic issues. The Advisory Council advises, whilst the Board of Trustees has decision-making authority.
- Contributing to and supporting the administration and management of the branch programme alongside other committee members, including raising any operation issues with the LI staff team.
- Supporting and assisting with branch projects, events and activities as appropriate.
The Branch Chair manages the branch committee and representing the LI as appropriate. Duties include:
- Ensuring all committee members understand their roles and duties, and that these are carried out effectively.
- Ensuring, with the Branch Treasurer, that funding bids and budget/programme information are aligned with the LI strategies and that they are submitted to the LI before the required deadlines.
- Liaising with local government, local authorities, non-departmental organisations and other professional organisations to promote the LI and the landscape profession as appropriate.
- Representing LI interests within the region.
- Promoting the involvement of members in branch committee activities.
- Ensuring a range of quality CPD events are provided throughout the year across the region.
- Introducing speakers at events when applicable, chairing any associated debate and ensuring appropriate thanks are made to speakers or associated sponsors.
- Preparing and presenting a short report to the branch Annual General Meeting (AGM).
- Providing assistance, as the immediate past chair, to the new holder of this the post, together with advice to any other newly appointed branch post holders.
The Branch Treasurer is responsible for branch finances. Duties include:
- Liaising with the Member Engagement Manager, about the effective management of the branch finances and branch account.
- Advising on budget forecasts and contributing to any decisions regarding events or other expenditure.
- Authorising, along with the Branch Chair, payment for purchases and of expenses within budget.
- Raising invoices and ensuring payments and any other income (including events’ delegate fees) is placed into the branch account.
- Preparing and presenting monthly financial reports for the branch committee.
- Preparing and presenting the annual accounts.
The Branch Secretary is responsible for the general organisation and administration of the branch. Duties include:
- Managing the Branch AGM (to be held in April each year in line with LI rules and procedures) and notifying the LI Membership Team of committee membership details.
- Preparing and presenting a short report to the Branch AGM.
- Supporting branch committee meetings by circulating the notice and agenda in advance and preparing and circulating notes of decisions/action points following the meetings.
- Managing correspondence received and ensuring that these are responded to by an appropriate committee member in a timely manner.
General committee members assist in the running of the branch. Roles can include Events/CPD, Careers, Communications, Registered Practice Liaison etc. Duties include:
- Attending branch committee meetings.
- Contributing to topics, for example, budget and event programming.
- Representing other branch member views where appropriate.
- Responding to consultations.
- Supporting branch committee activities and post holders with their tasks.
- Supporting and assisting with other branch events, projects and activities as appropriate.
Student representatives communicate the views of student members in the region to inform the branch committee. Duties include:
- Representing students in the region, whether from university or other colleges, where elements of landscape form whole or part of a course.
- Encouraging other student members to take part in branch events or make contributions to the LI generally.
LI Branch Annual General Meetings
The LI Constitution requires all regional branches to hold an AGM, either in person or face-to-face. Nominations are invited at least one month prior to the AGM.
Who can nominate?
A branch committee can have a maximum of 12 elected members. Each of these roles supports the professional development of members by enhancing their communication, administrative and organisational skills, and contributes to continuous professional development (CPD).
You can nominate yourself to the LI branch Committee within the region for which your LI membership is registered.
The following committee roles are required to be corporate members of the LI (Associate, Chartered, Fellow or Academic):
- Branch Representative
- Branch Chair
- Branch Secretary
- Branch Treasurer
The other branch committee members can be corporate or non-corporate members (affiliate, student or retired). Existing Committee members are asked to also complete the nomination survey to remain in post.
Any branch member (corporate or non-corporate) can vote to elect the branch committee.
Why Should I Join My Branch Committee
Getting involved in any volunteer role brings personal development and benefit. Being an active part of your branch could also help boost your personal brand and will ensure you are part of the collective voice, advocating for positive change whenever necessary.
The LI’s membership is growing and diversifying, and to reflect this at all levels; we’d particularly like to see nominations from:
- Members working in smaller practices.
- Members connected to different sectors.
- Women (gender balance in the landscape becomes progressively worse at senior levels; the LI would like to help more female members of the profession into leadership roles)
- Members from minority backgrounds
- Members who have not before stood on an LI committee, Council, Board or working group.