Our education focus

LI students at the Skip Garden, King's Cross, London

The LI works with universities across the UK to maintain the highest standards in landscape education by accrediting a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses. These courses provide graduates with the knowledge and skills required to develop a rewarding career in landscape practice.

The LI also promotes continuing professional development to ensure that LI members maintain the highest professional standards of knowledge and practice.

Key responsibilities of the LI’s Education and Membership Committee

The Education and Membership Committee, one of the LI’s three standing committees, considers:

  • undergraduate and postgraduate education
  • the continuing professional development of landscape professionals
  • standards of entry for the LI’s membership grades

The committee is supported by three subcommittees:

  1. Accreditation Sub-committee, which is responsible for leading on the strategy for the accreditation of higher education courses and monitoring the biennial re-accreditation process.
  2. Continuing Professional Development committee, which is responsible for the annual CPD monitoring process and ensuring training standards are maintained.
  3. Member Panel, which oversees applications for LI membership from EU nationals and those who do not hold an accredited qualification.

The LI also maintains relationships with key stakeholders including the International Federation of Landscape Architecture and leaders of LI accredited courses.