Welcome to the LI East of England branch
The Landscape Institute East of England Branch is run by a branch committee; engaging members across Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Essex. The key aims are to engage and attract members in the following ways:
- Networking: providing opportunities, both in person and online, to enable members to meet like-minded professionals and build business awareness.
- CPD Provision: enabling a programme of CPD events and site visits which both align to the LI competency framework and are of general interest to a diverse member base.
- Inspiring the Next Generation: using members and ambassadors to showcase the career of a landscape professional to students. Providing support and encourage membership to those studying on related courses.
- Engaging Registered Practices: building relationship with the practices within the region ensuring a supportive and inclusive Branch provision.
- Policy Influence: regularly responding to consultations.
- Influence and Voice: ensuring the members within the region have a forum to share opinion and keeping in touch with national initiatives. The branch has various streams and opportunities to influence the direction of the profession.
Upcoming LI East of England Events
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