By Carolin Göhler, Contributions by Ed Higgins – Stantec

    At the LI, we always enjoy meeting landscape teams, so the LI President, Carolin Göhler FLI, was delighted to be invited to meet the landscape team of Stantec and present an update on LI matters in a session held both in-person and virtually. The landscape team is around 60 strong and like many larger companies, scattered around various offices across the UK, supports the work of Stantec in growing sustainable engineering, architecture and environmental consultancy.

    This was a great opportunity to highlight the current work of the LI which is focused on building internal resilience such as with a governance review, the New Ways of Working and ensuring robust finances; the LI’s work on Carbon & Landscape; work around landscape and policy but also Equity, Diversity & Inclusion; and on an international level presenting on the work of IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects). Discussions were also held around education and the need for more trained professionals to enter the workforce.

    The room of fellow practitioners displayed a keen interest and a desire to link closer with the LI. As LI members and a community, we recognise the need to promote our profession and ensure that we train as best as possible both existing and incoming members so that we can lead the profession to better protect people, place and nature. There is a lot to do but teamwork and cooperation will go a long way to achieving our goals.

    LI Member, Ed Higgins CMLI, Associate Landscape Architect, Stantec, thanked the LI President for coming into the office and delivering a great presentation. “We had some great feedback and it has given us some food for thought on how we as a practice get more involved with the LI. We’ve had a few ideas on how we can improve our relationship” with the Landscape Institute.


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