With Cycle to Work Day, it is a good opportunity to reflect on the mental, physical and financial benefits that come with cycling. Below, we share experiences from members and staff about their reasons for cycling to work and why they recommend others to.
“Riding my bike is a quick and fun way to get to the office, the train station (I’m often travelling across southern England) or to an external meeting. I’m lucky to be able to ride through greenspace, which is quiet and calming, great to transition between home and work life. Cycling brings a bit more joy to my day” – Zoe Banks Gross FLI, Head of Partnerships and Public Affairs, Sustrans
“Cycling to work gives me some breathing space, time away from phones and laptops to plan for and reflect on the day, as well as fitting in some exercise.
During my current commute from Exeter to Honiton I can also connect with nature as I cycle through historic parkland, woods, orchards, farmland and villages in the Clyst Valley Regional Park.” – Paul Osborne FLI, Green Infrastructure Project Manager, Growth, Development and Prosperity East Devon District Council
“I cycle to work because it keeps me fit and healthy, makes me happy, saves me money, tackles climate change, cuts air pollution, reduces congestion, connects me with the world around me, gives me independence, introduces me to new people, and adds my number to a growing cycling population whose infrastructure needs create more liveable and attractive cities.” – Josh Cunningham, PR & Communications Manager, Landscape Institute
“I cycle everywhere in London. It is quicker, more reliable, more flexible, healthy and I get to see more of the beautiful city we live in. In recent years the cycle paths are better, junctions more cycle friendly and fellow road users more considerate. Give it a try!!!!“ – Joe Thomas, Interim Finance Director, Landscape Institute