LI Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees has ultimate responsibility for the activities of the Landscape Institute, in line with the requirements of the Charities Act 1993 and as prescribed by the Royal Charter, By-Laws and Regulations.

The role of the Board is to:

  • Ensure that the Institute has a clear vision and a strategy focused on its achievements
  • Ensure that the Institute meets its objects as set out in the Charter and retains its ethos and values
  • Ensure that the Institute complies with its legal and regulatory requirements
  • Take expert advice from members, Advisory Council and Standing Committees
  • Act as guardians of the Institute’s assets, both tangible and intangible, and ensure the financial stability of the organisation
  • Agree performance targets for the Chief Executive and hold the secretariat to account

The Board’s role and responsibilities are set out in its Terms of Reference and all Trustees are also subject to the Trustee Code of Conduct


The Board has legal responsibility for the charity and meets at least 4 times a year. There are up to 13 board members:

  • 5 Honorary Officers
    • President
    • Vice-President
    • Honorary Secretary
    • Honorary Treasurer
    • President Elect or Immediate Past President in alternate years
  • 1 Non-Chartered Board Trustee
  • 3 Standing Committee Chairs (Education & Membership, Policy & Communications, Technical)
  • 4 Independent Trustees

Current Trustees

President Elect / Acting PresidentCarolin Göhler FLI
Vice PresidentNoel Farrer FLI PPLI
Honorary SecretaryMark Smeeden CMLI
Honorary TreasurerMat Haslam CMLI
Non-Chartered TrusteeAdam Barker FLI
Chair, Education & Membership Committee (EMC)Christine House CMLI
Chair, Policy & Communications Committee (PCC)Ian Phillips CMLI
Independent TrusteeJane Clarke
Independent TrusteeMarc Norden
Independent TrusteeHelen Oldfield