LI governance and structure

2007 Award Winner Sheffield City Council’s Gold Route. © Sheffield City Council.

The LI is run by a dedicated team of staff and governed by a Board of Trustees, Advisory Council and supported by several committees.

About the LI Board of Trustees

The Board has legal responsibility for the LI, meets 4 times a year and has up to 13 members made up of:

  • 5 Honorary Officers (elected by LI members) including: President, Vice-President, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary and either the President Elect or Immediate Past President (in alternate years)
  • 1 Non-Chartered (elected by the membership)
  • Chair of each of the 3 Standing Committees (Education &Membership, Policy & Communications, and Technical)
  • 4 Independent Trustees who are selected according to the skills needed
 PresidentCarolin Göhler FLI
Vice PresidentNoel Farrer FLI PPLI
Hon SecretaryMark Smeeden CMLI
Hon TreasurerMat Haslam CMLI
Non Chartered TrusteeAdam Barker AMLI
Chair EMCChris House CMLI
Chair PCCIan Phillips CMLI
IndependentJane Clarke
IndependentMarc Norden
IndependentHelen Oldfield

About the LI Advisory Council

The Council’s role is to represent members and to help set the LI’s strategic objectives. Council meets 3 times a year, and has up to 30 council members made up of:

  • 5 Honorary Officers
  • 3 Standing Committee Representatives (Education & Membership, Policy & Communications, Technical)
  • 7 directly elected corporate members
  • 2 directly elected Associate Representatives
  • 1 directly elected Student Representative
  • 12 Branch Representatives

About the LI Standing Committees

The 3 Standing Committees (Education & Membership, Policy & Communications, and Technical) advise on and help implement the main areas of the LI’s activity.

Each committee chair sits on the LI’s Board of Trustees, and each committee also has a representative on Advisory Council. Various subcommittees and working groups lead on specialist areas of work.

Access to LI Governance Documents

The LI’s primary governance documents are the Royal Charter and our Code of Practice  These documents outline the LI’s objectives and purpose, what it means to be a landscape professional, the ethical dimension to landscape practice, and the integrity, competence, and professionalism expected of members.

Members can access a range of other governance documents, reports, and further relevant papers in the members’ website.