Recent news
Landscape Institute welcomes new towns plan – but landscape professionals must inform decision making
Landscape professionals have the expertise to achieve the Taskforce principles, ensuring new developments deliver cost effectively for people, place and nature.
Planning reform must not come at the expense of landscape considerations
The Landscape Institute calls for a long-term, joined-up approach when the Government implements its recently announced Nature Restoration Fund and other reforms.
Latest edition of Landscape published: The healing power of landscape
Jane Findlay FLI PPLI explores the projects in this latest edition that bring together nature, community and resilience in healthcare environments.
New Floods Taskforce must prioritise nature-based approach to flood resilience
As more flooding hits the UK, the Landscape Institute (LI) is calling on the government’s new Floods Resilience Taskforce to adopt a strategic, nature-based approach to flood resilience.
Andrew Wilson FLI Awarded MBE in New Year Honours List
It is with great pleasure that we announce Andrew Wilson FLI has been awarded an MBE in the New Year Honours List 2025.
Recent blog posts
Peeling back the layers: Managing change in a Grade II* landscape
After a decade of planning, the National Trust is creating a new garden at Berrington Hall, an almost complete Georgian estate near Leominster in Herefordshire. Careful consideration was crucial to enabling change within the sensitive Grade II* Registered Park and Garden to enhance the visitor experience. The planting of the garden, designed by National Trust landscape architect Ed Higgins CMLI and Senior Gardener David Thresher, is due to be completed in spring 2025.
From 1970’s shopping centre to vibrant town centre: Transforming Lewisham
Studio Egret West are leading as masterplan architect and landscape architect to transform a 1970s shopping centre into a vibrant, landscape-led town centre for Lewisham.
Spotlight on Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA)
Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) helps inform planning decisions by identifying the effects of new developments on views and on the landscape, along with measures to mitigate any adverse effects.
In this article the LI shares an update on LVIA and future plans, outlining where we would like to hear from interested parties.