News Update August 2024

Notes and Clarifications on aspects of the 3rd Edition Guidelines on Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (GLVIA3) – LITGN-2024-01 published.

See item below.

©Landscape Institute

Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (GLVIA3) and Notes and Clarifications on aspects of the 3rd Edition Guidelines on Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (GLVIA3)
LITGN-2024-01 – should be read alongside GLVIA3.

The third edition of Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (GLVIA3) was published in collaboration with IEMA and came into force on 17 April 2013. This is a key resource for landscape professionals. Copies of the book can be ordered direct from the publisher. Although PDF versions are not available, other digital versions are, in the form of: eBook | Kindle

In general, the LI considers that it should be suitably qualified and experienced landscape professionals that carry out landscape and visual impact assessments (LVIAs). However, provided they have had appropriate training and experience, other professionals may also do so.

When it comes to reviewing assessments undertaken by others, however, in the absence of formal certification of specific competence, the appropriate ‘competent expert’ would normally be a Chartered Member of the Landscape Institute who has substantive experience of undertaking and reviewing LVIAs.

This experience may be evidenced by CV, reference to previous assessments, and by endorsement by other senior professionals.

Notes and Clarifications on aspects of the 3rd Edition Guidelines on Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (GLVIA3) LITGN-2024-01

This document LITGN-2024-01 published August 2024, provides a compilation of clarifications on the 3rd Edition of the Guidelines on Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (GLVIA3). This includes:

  • Statements of clarification from 2013-2015, now withdrawn, but available as an archive version here;
  • Answers provided by the Landscape Institute’s GLVIA Panel to questions raised during the Landscape Institute’s December 2020 webinar ‘GLVIA Misconceptions and Best Practice’;
  • Answers provided by the Landscape Institute’s GLVIA Panel to questions raised by members, both via responses to the 2021 survey about GLVIA3 and sent to the Landscape Institute Technical email address.

A draft Notes and Clarifications on GLVIA3 document was published for LI Members Consultation in 2023. Feedback from this process was taken into consideration for the guidance.

This Technical Guidance Note supersedes all previous clarification documents, has been produced to help interpret aspects of the guidance provided in GLVIA3, and should be read alongside GLVIA3.

A description of status levels of information and guidance provided by the Landscape Institute can be found here.  Any comments and feedback should be sent to

Superseded documents:
GLVIA3 Statements of Clarification 2013-2015 (Archived)
Technical Information Note (TIN) 01/21: GLVIA webinar Q&As
LI Webinar: GLVIA Misconceptions and Best Practice – Landscape Institute Campus

GLVIA Advisory Panel

The GLVIA Advisory Panel continues to meet periodically to discuss issues relating to LVIA and when necessary publishes important clarifications relating to the book which are available free of charge. This Working Group was set up in 2010 to update the then 2nd edition GLVIA and remained in place after the publication of GLVIA3. Since then, through a series of competitive appointment processes the Panel now consists of all new members. Vacancies are advertised either on the LI jobs website or via Technical newsletters.

The Panel is open to hear from LI members and regulators about their experiences with GLVIA3. Communications should be directed to These will then be shared with the Panel at its next meeting and if there is the need to take action it will do so. Please note that a personal response may not always be possible, but submissions will be reviewed.

Related information about visualisation.

GLVIA Panel News

August 2024

Publication of Notes and Clarifications on aspects of the 3rd Edition Guidelines on Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (GLVIA3)
After extensive comments and consultation, the latest set of clarifications has been brought together to assist in clarifying member’s LVIA related queries. Rather than add to what was a growing list of documents the new LITGN-2024-01 replaces all previous clarifications.

The new guidance can be found here.

June 2023

Consultation on the Government’s proposed new approach to environmental assessment for the UK

The GLVIA Panel contributed to a cross committee EOR Working Group for the LI’s response to the consultation.

The Landscape Institute brought together experts from its Policy and Communications Committee, Technical Committee, and GLVIA Panel to coordinate the LI’s response to the consultation. In addition, the working group reached out to other related professional membership organisations including IEMA, RTPI, TCPA and EPU to provide the Government with a landscape perspective on the proposals.

More information about the proposals and consultation can be found here.