Members invited to feed back on results and approach

In December, the LI ran its first members’ survey. This asked questions about the LI’s reputation, member satisfaction with its services, benefits of membership, the LI’s contribution to society and the quality and relevance of services such as the journal, training and events.

The results have now been collated and presented to the LI Board and Council, who have used members’ valuable feedback to inform the path the LI takes in the coming years.

The research has provided considerable insight on the LI’s performance as a professional body, the relevance of its services and the popularity of different events and activities. Crucially, the LI now has a baseline with which it can monitor performance in future years.

The LI invites members to look at the results and would appreciate any feedback on the results and on the approach taken. The results are available to view in the LI members’ area (login required).


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